“Hello Dustin,
How are you? I really appreciate your honesty and ability to share such a personal issue with us. You didn’t have to, but you did. That speaks volumes about your character. In a way I’m dealing with the same issue myself. My girlfriend loves me but she really doesn’t support my entrepreneurial ambitions. I truly desire the life & lifestyle you now enjoy. I’ve always said “one has attained true freedom when you can wake on any given day once you’ve finished sleeping”. I will die while in pursuit of that regardless of anyone’s opinion. Whether I love them or not.(Before ordering your program yesterday) I recently purchased my 1st tax lien certificate in FL. Paid only $53 for it. It’s a start! As a student of personal development I know that it’s not how you start but rather how you finish. Thank you for sharing Dustin. I appreciate you for sharing the way you do and hope to meet you sometime in the near future. Safe travels my friend! Enjoy your life(style)….. I’ll be joining you soon.
P.S. Do you still do those monthly (tax deed) trips to Houston, TX??
Errol Hall”

“If you are interested in learning more about Dustin Hahn’s tax lien and deed programs visit www.TaxSalesSecrets.com

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